Get Elbow Room! Homes for Sale in Lamar CO

If you yearn for more space at affordable prices, search the homes for sale in Lamar CO. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by Lamar’s downhome ambience and the home selection. Want real estate in an established Lamar neighborhood? you want a few acres and space for a horse barn and arena. Or you want offices at home. Either way, Lamar real estate could help you get there.

homes for sale in Lamar CO


Where is Lamar?

Oh, you’d know where Lamar is if you took Amtrak. Go from Chicago to the Grand Canyon or Kansas City. Then from Lamar take the train to Dallas or Saint Louis or Albuquerque or even to the California wine country.

From your place on the High Plains of southeastern Colorado, your friends and family from every corner of the USA will come explore the High Plains, even the old Santa Fe trail. How about fishing and hunting?

Just wait till one of them falls in love with the horses, cows, and sheep. They’ll love the wide open fields and start humming “Home, home on the range.” Then you know that small-town Lamar and the agricultural community lassoed their hearts. They’ll want some of your elbow room!

See Homes for Sale in Lamar

  • Established Lamar Colorado home for sale: Listing ID# 227887, 5 bed/2 bath with 2883 sq, on 0.16 acres. $425,000
  • Historic Lamar homes for sale: Listing ID# 229264, 6 bed/4 bath with 5480 square feet on 0.321 acres. $450,000
  • Country Homes for sale in Lamar CO: Listing ID# 225821, 4 bed/2 bath with 2430 square feet on 7.61 acres. $295,000 AND Listing ID# 230437, 3 bed/2 bath with 1809 sf on 4.34 acres. $305,000

homes for sale in Lamar CO


The Strength of Lamar Agricultural Country

Get yourself a farm or a ranch but start out with some elbow room, a small home on a few acres. Let the High Plains toughen you up to the earthy lifestyle. You’ll get stronger and have more confidence. That comes in handy at school ball games and the rodeo. And it seems to help in every profession.

SE Colorado Homes for Sale

Discover more perks about Southeastern Colorado. Call Cruikshank Realty, Inc. (719) 336-7802 to schedule an appointment or stop by our office at 20 S. Main Street, Lamar, CO 81052.

Specializing in Residential, Farm and Ranch Real Estate Sales, Management, Auctions, and Exchanges.

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